Why You Should Prime.

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If we say “primer,” we might hear a collective sigh among our Creator group. “Ugh, primer. I don’t have that kind of time.” We hear you, Creators. That’s why we’ve made the process simpler! Seriously!

Priming is highly recommended for the following reasons:

It seals surfaces

Most surfaces like wood, drywall and concrete are porous and soak up paint unevenly. A sealing primer gives your paint job a smoother finish.

It hides dark colors

Without primer, you’ll lay down coat after coat trying to hide previous colors. Save time and energy by priming. It will even make your new color even more vibrant.

It can block stains

A coat or two of ordinary paint won’t cover existing stains. Choose a quality primer to hide those stains for good.

It promotes adhesion

Slick surfaces and humidity levels can make it tough for paint to stick. Make your life easier by priming first to ensure the top coat covers completely.

It can block odors

The combination of odors from cooking, cigarette smoke and pet accidents can be nauseating. Zinsser products can completely and permanently seal out offensive odors.


Our most popular primer, Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3, dries in one hour, goes on with excellent coverage in temperatures as low as 35 degrees Fahrenheit, and requires no sanding. Ultimately, it saves you time on your overall project. So, why paint three coats when you can paint two? Just prime, paint and be done. Then your sigh will be one of relief, knowing your project was done right the first time.

Check out these inspiring projects and make sure you prime!

Need a primer today? Check out all of our primer products and find them in store here: https://www.rustoleum.com/product-catalog/consumer-brands/zinsser/primer-sealers