Submitted to Community Chat

This was fun! I am sorry for erasing the before photos before I posted this. But there is a long story getting to this point. I'll try to make it short. When I got the kit in the mail I only got one color and the marbling so DUMMY ME followed the instructions and made up two kinds of the same color thinking that the white would come out when we poured it on-- it didn't! The vase was a pretty blue now it was a messy brown! LMBO, NO MARBLING AT ALL! I CALLED LISA, SHE CALLED KATY, SHE PUT THE TEAM TO WORK! WHY WAS THERE NOT MARBLING? WELL when Linda posted her blog on here about the marbling I got in touch with her and ask how she done it? BINGO!! TWO DIFFERENT COLORS! LMAO! SO I call Lisa who calls Katy who calls me and WAL-LA! Katy calls the team off ( and I am sure they all had a great time laughing at me) She sent me a white color and I redone the vase. Turned out beautiful! I only wish I didn't erase the before photos! MOTTO OF THE STORY: live to learn- learn to live! LMBO! (Love this site)