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Finally Clean Floors At Moms!!!
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As everyone knows I am a will do whatever it takes to buy/use Rust-Oleum products. My mom moved into her house over 10 years ago. We are kind of limited on what we are able to do, due to being a tribal house. Like this house is title not fancy nice title but the in between roll and single square title. And it's WHITE!!! We struggle trying to keep it clean or clean looking with my daughters dogs, and mine that come to visit plus just us waking on it.. You never know what I will have on my boots when I come to town..
So I been searching the internet for ideas to clean her floors... Everything I have tried did nothing but leave it the same way. Until now!!!
I have finally thank goodness found the answer to all the floor issues since they are white anyway.. Above all the expensive, supposed to clean anything, with high reviews products the most least thought of thing cleaned my mommas floors... Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach!! Only thing is you can't really clean a very large area at a time due to the bleach.. but slowly but surely I will get these floors white again... Just in time to get her Wood floors out down!!! Lol