I felt inspired!

The first picture was my inspiration for the 2nd picture. I'd seen several "head planters" online but this one touched my spirit. And being that I love all things Afrocentric, I decided to create my own using a Styrofoam wig head I had already.
I first drew a circle on top and cut out a recess in which to put my flowers. I then primed the head using modge podge, then I used painter's tape to create a line dividing the head into halves.
Using Rustolem glossy black, I painted half of the head, and once dry I used acrylic metallic brown with gold glitter mixed in to paint the other half.
Using the cardboard ring from an empty painter's tape roll, I created her "crown" by first covering it with gold glitter contact paper, then hot glued gold "bling" around it. I then attached it to the head using hot glue, and added cowrie beads around it.Next I added a pair os false eyelashes, and gold leaf for the lipstick and eye shadow. I glued rhinestones on her eyebrows for more definition and strung cowrie beads on jewelry wire which I just stuck into the head and covered the entry point with a gold flat backed acrylic gem.
Finally, I created her neclace using a combination of various acrylic rhinestone wrap and cowrie shells. This was a fun project and she blends in well with the king and queen behind her in the 3rd picture.