Superfan Color of the Year projects: T Larsen Design

Submitted to Rust-O Resources

Color of the Year 2024 was recently launched, and to celebrate, our community team presented an exciting product testing opportunity to Creator's Studio Superfans: sign up to test the 2024 Spray Paint Color of the Year !

Rust-Oleum's 2024 Spray Paint Color of the Year is Satin French Blue.

Each Superfan who signed up for this exclusive opportunity has been asked to test out Satin French Blue on one of the follow projects:

  • an outdoor item
  • indoor décor
  • furniture
  • a small statement piece

Here is the project created by @T Larsen Design

Tell us about your 'Color of the Year' project. What did you create and how did it go? Are you happy with the final product?

I was selected to update a piece of furniture with the Color of the Year, so I selected a very old bookcase I recently acquired. It was rickety and headed for the trash, but I knew I could give it new life.

First, I tightened up all the screws, which made the shelves solid again...easy peasy!

Next, I gave it a light sanding to smooth put any gouges and rough up the wood a bit for better paint adhesion.

After that, I cleaned it with a degreaser to remove dust and any remaining grime.

I decided to forgo primer, since the paint has a primer in it already. I gave it 2 coats of paint, lightly sanding in between.

I had some difficulty getting the paint to spray smoothly. It left a sandy, rough finish instead of a smooth, satin finish - which was the reason I had to sand between coats. The sandy finish didn't occur on the entire piece. Some of the paint did spray properly, and left a smooth finish. I have had this happen with other projects and paint colors - some cans work perfectly, some do not.

I tried applying the paint a bit heavier to see if the finish texture improved, but that caused the paint to run in a few places.

After a bit of extra sanding, I do like the result.

I love the color, and I would definitely use it again! I hesitate to use spray paint on large furniture pieces, due to the uneven finish that sometimes occurs, so I would likely limit it to smaller accent pieces, such as plant stands, picture frames, home decor etc.

Thanks to @T Larsen Design for sharing her spin on using this Color of the Year πŸ”·

We'll continue to post Superfan Color of the Year projects -- keep an eye on this space!