Hold on to Your Hats - Announcing the Winners of Trash to Treasure IV!

Submitted to What's New

We love a good, friendly competition, and Trash to Treasure IV did not disappoint! So many AH-MAZING submissions and as always, an unparalleled level of creativity in the Studio. ๐Ÿ™€

We're pleased to announce the winners of 2019 Trash to Treasure Challenge.


Challenge Rookie

The project was super cool, and the sentiment couldn't have been more heartfelt. Our Creator's Studio community voted in spades for the Cancer Sucks Tractor. Congratulations, Syoung (and a big hello to your cute little helper ๐Ÿ˜Š)


Challenge Veteran

So many great submissions in this category of our veteran Creator's Studio members! The talent keeps ratcheting up every time we put out the call ... and this time around, our community chose the one-of-a-kind project One Person's Trash  by idontbelievable as the winner. 



With great experience comes great things ... our group of pros showed us how it's done, and the crowd showed some love for LeCultivateur'Curbside Trash to Vintage Vibes


Congratulations, winners, on being voted tops by our Creator's Studio community members ๐Ÿ†

Buuuuuuut Creators, you know we love surprises, and we're ready for more fun. We've chosen three Expert Favorites, one in each category. Behold your Expert Favorite winners, each of whom will receive a case of product! 


Challenge Rookie, Expert Choice Award

We love everything about this cabinet! Awesome work, Bastler, for your win with this project: Office Days are Over



Challenge Veteran, Expert Choice Award

We were positively spooked by this nightmare-ish cabinet by TerriW ๐Ÿ‘ป



Challenge Professional/Blogger, Expert Choice Award

Handymandi ... we think your Tractor Desk is simply adorable!

We can't stop there ๐Ÿ˜‰ Our challenges wouldn't be the success they are without member participation. Creators, you are the ones who check out the projects, comment, like, and vote for our winners. As promised, we are giving away $50 home improvement centre gift cards to 5 randomly-drawn members who voted during this final phase. Our winners are:


Phew. Big day here in Creator's Studio, and a big congratulations to all our winners! To everyone who participated in this challenge - we tip our hats to you. Thanks for playing along, keeping it fun, and always bringing the creativity to our DIY Studio.


Image result for gif tip our hat