Member Feature: ArtistrybyShaw

Submitted to What's New

Today we're having a chat with Creator's Studio member @Artistrybyshaw 👋🏼

Why did you join Creator’s Studio? 

I don’t even remember how I found the site, but I love the challenges,  the community and the help.

What’s your favorite part of the Creator’s Studio community?

Definitely the challenges. I get so many cool ideas from others in the community and helps me to come up with new ideas by just the suggestions. 

How would you describe yourself/occupation to a complete stranger? 

I am a outgoing grandma (NaiNai as my grandkids call me) that loves DIY. Jack-of-all, master of none, lol. I paint, refurbish, upcycle, sew, string art, woodwork, engrave with dremel on wood, crochet, embroidery and anything new i can think of. Just started selling my artwork and upcycled bluejean textiles at small vendor shows.

What creative areas do you like to focus on? 

My art right now but I have so many ideas in my head sometimes hard to focus.

What is your favorite Rust-Oleum product?

I have used many of the colored spray paints in my projects but I love the different clear sealing spray paints. Clear gloss, Matt, the one for glass vases, the highest gloss clear spray.

How has it helped with your DIY projects?

Depending on the project it is usually sealed with one of the clear products, just depends. My vases I use the clear for glass, my wood paintings I like the matt for my upcycled records and cd paintings I usually use high gloss. So many choices now but I would say all my projects are sealed with one of the clear Rust-Oleum sprays.

What interests you most about DIY projects?

I like that it gives me a suggestion of ideas/topic, easy for me to focus when I have a suggested topic. And I am competitive. 

What’s the best DIY project you have completed and how did you accomplish it?

That's a hard one, I love all my projects and usually it's the last one completed and then I move on. 

What’s the most difficult project you have tackled?

I don't have one project that comes to mind but we live in North Dakota and our garage is not heated, so painting with spray, which I love, is hard to do between November to April! Really need heated garage in next move.

If you could create any type of project (with no limitations), what would you design and why?

We are hoping to move closer to grandkids. So hoping to have blank slate to do a tropical backyard, pergola,  fireplace, moon garden, pizza oven. So lots of painting and building.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know about you.

I am mostly outgoing when you talk to me but I am very insecure about my art. 

What’s the best advice that anyone has ever given you?

Some very close friends and relatives have been very encouraging in my endeavor to sell my artworks at vendor shows. 

What book(s) are on your nightstand right now?

Janet Evanovich "Going Rogue" #29

What shows are you streaming?

Traitors, Winchester, Yellowstone, 70's Show

What’s your all time favorite food?

Peanut butter, jelly, bacon cheeseburger - oh and cheese fries.

Thanks for spending time with us @Artistrybyshaw!