Where are they now? Creator's Studio Challenge Winners Hall of Fame 🤩

Submitted to What's New

Check out this submission in the Creator's Studio 'Where are They Now' Challenge winners hall of fame! Today we're spending time with @SeaBeeMarket


Which Challenge(s) did you win?

I've won a couple challenges, but the biggest win was the RockSolid Home Guest Bathroom Challenge 🤩


What did you love and what were your struggles with this project?

I think the biggest challenge for me with this project was my timeline and not having any help. I knocked the entire thing out in 9 days while being the sole caretaker of my (then) toddler. Any mom can understand how challenging that is! Otherwise, the actual tools and project were just a labor of love and determination.

Enquiring minds want to know -- what did you do with your prize winnings?!

This was a big big win! $5,000. I invested the money into my small woodworking business by purchasing a larger CNC machine. Upgrading my machine allowed me to push my creativity and business to the next level. I work full time+ for myself and I am able to fully financially contribute to my family while doing what I love. It would have taken a bit longer or some financing to get here without winning this challenge. For that, I am very thankful!

Are you still DIYing?

Yes! I do it for a living in a sense, but we are always tackling projects around our home. My daughter (7) loves to do any and all DIY crafts with me, and we stay busy creating in our free time.

What projects do you currently have on the go?

The next big project for our home is building and installing some faux built-in shelving in our living room. But right now my daughter and I are making trash bag ghosts for Halloween and doing small kid friendly spooky crafts.

Feel free to post your social media links in here.

Www.Etsy.com/shop/seabeemarket @seabeemarket on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

What's your favorite part of the Creator's Studio community? How would you describe this community to a friend?

Of course being able to participate in the challenges really impacted my trajectory.. but I think the community is great for creators big and small to get together and share their love of DIY. Unfortunately, I rarely have time to log in anymore.. but I still have really fond memories and love for the group!

Bonus: if you could dream up an epic DIY Challenge, what would it be? (And what 🏆 prizes would you offer?!)

It would be really fun and cool to see a kid centered challenge. Either something to revamp old outdoor toys, create a new family heirloom, or a themed challenge where parents/caregivers and their kid(s) work on something together. The prize could be tickets or a gift card to cover the cost of a local attraction the family could enjoy together.

Check out @SeaBeeMarket's Halloween project below!