We're hopping our way into Easter DIY

Submitted to What's New

There's nothing like warmer temperatures to get us thinking about DIY, and what better place to start than with some sweet Easter projects.


You still have time to get your centerpieces ready with this simple little Easter crate project. 


What's Easter without some bling? Get some glitter on your table with these snazzy eggs:


Check out this springy bar cart, from Home-Dzine.com. That gorgeous gold piece can be accesorized and styled for any time of year, but we're loving the hits of pink and turquoise for Easter celebrations. 



Thanks to everyone who has been submitting ideas in our Easter DIY discussion. We're loving aechurba’s bunny display, Colors' very springy Easter mantel, and SueH's no-calorie chocolate bunnies.


And check out Cribbstyle's timeless Easter egg wreath:


We hope you get hopping into the comments with your Easter photos and projects!