Here are 2 incredible high quality wood furniture pieces that I am picking up FREE! Blows my mind!

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I do not know if this trend is happening all over the states, but this is deplorable! I see these units listed almost daily in my area for free. These are made from real wood and not particle board. I know that televisions are larger now, but why give them away or throw them out? I will be turning these into something useful or finding a home for them. The largest one pictured is a custom built unit in a high end home. They want it out before the new carpet gets installed. I will have to take a few people to help take it apart and remove it, but it will be worth it. The last picture is a 7 piece unit that will be easy to remove. In fact, the guy said he would help load it. WOW! I am shocked at the waste and wonder how people can toss out such beautiful pieces.