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Metallic Accents by Rust-oleum
Submitted to Community Chat
I bought this broken clock because I thought I could use the frame for a picture. I was thinking maybe I could use it “as is“ but I didn’t like the color. I got out a couple Metallic Accents in white pearl and champagne. After white washing the frame in the white pearl and trimming it in the champagne, the clock frame looked fantastic, all up to date.
These 2 oz samples come in 16 colors (premixed).They also offer the same colors in a 32 oz size for larger projects. Fun, fun fun!!:) Can you tell I’m now gathering the art work for my new purple space?
I also did a goose box that was old and dated. Look at the difference that the Metallic Accents made. It looks beautiful and goes with the room so well.