Question for our experienced Chalked Painters please

Submitted to Product Chat

Hello question for our experienced chalk painters or experts here at the Studio, please.

I looked over at my favorite chalk painter bloggers website-extensive gallery and couldn’t find a similar type chair that had undergone a painted transformation.
Most chairs were wooden seats or upholstered seats.
She has done -wooden woven picnic baskets.

Can this sort of woven basket weave seat be sucessfully chalk painted?
Could the paint moisture cause any negative or further deterioration in the weave? There are two areas that are securely reglued on the outside perimeter seat right now.

It would be my preference to chalk paint the entire chair- if it is all possible. It is my hope to use a primary green or forest green color, which does not seem to be available in the CHALKED aerosol line to the best of my knowledge. A paint-on application might be necessary.

Thanks for your time and trouble to review this and provide me with any suggestions or advice- it is greatly appreciated.💐