Gumdrops and Lollipops
I know, it's not even Thanksgiving why am I doing Christmas crafts? Well, blame it on the dollar store! I went in there yesterday with a friend, and saw all the Christmas stuff, and I got excited! My brain started going into over drive. I saw these balls....
Then an idea struck! Now my friends know, that if I get that look in my eyes, just let me go,and do my thing... I left my friend and headed for the garden section. There I purchased some terra cotta pots...the larger size has 2 in the package...I decided to use 3 on my little project. Then I visited the candy isle.
I took the pots and painted them white.
I then put some Styrofoam cubes in the pots. ( I had purchased 1 block at the dollar store and cut into 3 pieces.
Then I started applying candy.....yep...5 bags..The one with the bubblegum balls took 3 bags.
I took the candy cane ornaments(third picture on bottom) and broke off the hook -like end to give me a straight candy cane shape. I put the 3 different candies on the balls, as you can see above.
I put hot glue on one end of the candy cane ornament, and stuck it into a open area in each ball. I then put hot glue on the other end, and stuck it into the pot.
Please don't mind my messy mess.I used some red paper bag filler to put on top of the Styrofoam inside the pot. I added some silver tinsel, cut up, with the red.
Another option, I was thinking of, was painting a longer dowel and using that instead. Then tying a pretty ribbon on the dowel under the candy balls .But, I was in my mode.
Well what do you think??? I forgot to mention....I sprayed with the Clear Coat Rustoleum Sealer....don't want to feed the critters.