Hey Chalked Paint Fans! We have something new for you!

Submitted to Community Chat

Now you can personalize your Rust-Oleum Chalked Paint fnish with two new Decorative Glazes!

Rust-Oleum Chalked Decorative Glazes allows you to add a custom antiqued finish to any Chalked painted surface. The decorative glazes are semi-transparent and enhance the details of brush strokes, wood grain, corners, crevices and more and come in a Smoked or Aged finish.

  • Easy "brush on, wipe off "application
  • Apply over any Chalked surface (brush or spray)
  • Antique a little, or antique a lot!

Apply over a clean, fully cured Chalked surface.  Full curing will occur after 3-4 days. Use a cheesecloth or lint-free rag to wipe away Glaze and remember to test in small area before applying on entire project.