Upcycled/Repurposed Fountain
Last night a friend and I were walking the doggies when I came across this broken fountain on the curb. Knowing I could use it some way, I took it home. It's resin so it wasn't heavy at all. In the morning I checked it out more thoroughly. The pump didn't work, the wires were cut, and top piece of fountain was broken.
I live in the desert and I have lots of succulents in and out of the house. I purchase the succulents when they are very small in the tiny containers. Like 2" pots. The price for succulents this size isn't so high, but buying bigger is, and I know they will grow great outside. Last week I purchased this soil knowing I was going to transplant some of my plants.
After I cleaned up the fountain, I drilled a few holes on the bottom towards the sides. I placed some coffee filters over the holes. I put a some small rocks into the bottom of the fountain for drainage.
I mixed up the soil with some water in my wheelbarrow. I then added the succulents. Then I added some color and sparkle with the gems. And then I topped it off with a solar light, so I can enjoy it at night.
That's it!!! My recycle/upcycle