Operation She Shed
Well now that my son is pretty much healed (he's got a lot of building back up to do but the hardest part is behind him), and my daughter is due to have my 2nd grandson in two days and even tho I haven't finished my dining room table yet, I've totally lost my mind and am taking on the biggest project I'll ever do! To say that I'm excited is an understatement lol. My son has moved back in and taken over my crafting room so I decided I HAVE TO HAVE my own space. So...I'm having a Shed delivered Tuesday yes, I know it's the same day my daughter is delivering and I'll be at the hospital all day, lol).
My husband can across a used Shed at one of the kazillion dealers around here and I think it'll be perfect!! It even has a small porch! But...it needs ALOT of work! We already ran the wire so I can have electricity (what that means to me is AC!) and have all the insulation and luan wood for the walls so we're ready to work.
I would like to make the interior shabby chic in white, gray and pink. So there'll be no mistaking who's shed this is, lol. I might need to buy stock in Rustoleum to get all the white paint I'll need, haha! I'm sure this will be a LONG process but I'll update with pics as I go and if anyone has any suggestions or advice, please share!
UPDATE: Well she's arrived!! Two days late but I've had my hands because Nathan arrived in time!! Big brother Maddox has been staying with me and I love it!
My hubs has been working like a madman to get my Shed started. We've got the electricity run and today he's working on installing an air unit because it's hot as hades out there!! Now that ya'll can see what it looks like, please give me some ideas!
And of course I can't resist sharing a pic of my new peanut!!
UPDATE!! Well my husband has been working his tail off on my She Shed! We got the walls up and finished the corrugated metal ceiling last night and we hung my light fixture that I LOVE. We're going to kinda be at a standstill for a little while since my husband goes back on shift Friday and doesn't know when he'll get back off. He has been so amazing in making sure everything is just how I want it and is excited to see me so happy!! I'd like to name my little haven but I'm just drawing a blank. I've always wanted to live in a farmhouse but can't figure out how to incorporate that into a name, so please, please, please help me come up with a name!