Wood offcut dice!

Submitted to Community Chat

Happy New Year everyone!

I'm sharing this project as it's a great way to use up small amounts of stain and paint you have left - plus because not everything we make has to be useful right - sometimes it can just look pretty!


I started with a piece of 4x4 yellow cedar I had, cut 2 cubes sanded them down.

Next these were stained with Aqua stain. When this was dry I took small amounts of Kona stain on a rag, and hilighted the edges and rubbed some over the faces.

To stamp the dots on the face I used some furniture feet pad felt (I didn't have any round ones so cut a crude circle using a craft knife - be careful if you do this as the felt is super thick) and stuck it on a small block of wood.

Using left over paint I stamped the numbers!

When this was dry I lightly sanded the surface and gave it a quick spray with clear flat lacquer and called it done!

As I say sometimes things don't have to be useful and I love these little decor ornaments that used up some scrap and leftover materials!