it made my beater look a lot better!
My daughter gave me this car, because she didn't want to spend the money repairing it, plus she wants a minivan. The front bumper shroud was broken and just beat to death. First was several hours of plastic welding, then too much sanding,(has to be done by hand or the plastic will warp), then 2 coats of Rust-Oleum Cobalt blue mettalic, then 3 coats if clear gloss. Forgot to mention the 4 coats of primer, wet sanded between each coat. Just have to finish assembly and buff it out. The grille and lower fascia is Rust-Oleum aluminum spray. I think it turned out pretty good. Starting to get really good with rattle-cans. It helps to have damn good paint in that can too. Lol Will post more as I work on it.