Clay Snowflake Ornaments

Submitted to Community Chat

These beautiful snowflake ornaments are so easy to create and make a great gift for friends or family or hang them on your own Christmas tree. Let's get started....

Materials Needed:
Air Dry Clay
Snowflake cookie cutter
Rust-Oleum spray paint flat white
120 grit sandpaper
Mod podge
Extra fine glitter
Mod podge spray sealer
Thin satin ribbon
Rolling pin + decorative rolling pin (optional)
Heavy duty foil
Cookie sheets

Line your cookie sheet with foil, this will be the drying area for the ornaments.
Lay a piece of foil on a work surface, take a portion of the clay and mold it in your hands to form a round ball. Press down on the clay with a rolling pin and roll out the clay just like you would pie or cookie dough. Roll to about 1/4" thickness. If you want a decorative imprint on the ornament roll the decorative rolling pin over the round clay. Press the cookie cutter into the clay, with the cookie cutter still in place, using your fingers, peel away the excess clay until you just have the cookie cutter, set the excess clay aside to reuse. Gently lift the cookie cutter up and then gently peel the wet clay ornament away from the foil and transfer to the foil lined cookie sheet. Repeat until all clay is used up. I made 15 large snowflake ornaments with one brick of the clay. Using the end of a chop stick or something similar pierce a hole nto the snowflake for hanging. Allow to dry overnight, turn ornaments over and allow to dry another day, you'll be able to see the color difference as it drys. Once dry take a small piece of 120 grit sandpaper and gently sand edges. Spray front of ornaments with white spray paint, allow to dry, flip and spray the other side and allow to dry. Brush painted ornaments with mod podge and immediately sprinkle with glitter allow to dry about 1 hour and flip and repeat on the other side. Once dry spray each side with mod podge sealer, allow to dry and thread ribbon through ornaments for hanging. Hope you enjoy this project and Happy Holidays Friends.