Member Feature: NurseRatchett

Submitted to What's New

Today we are spending some time with Creator's Studio member @Nurseratchett54! πŸ‘‹πŸΌ  (Check out the photo carousel above to see more of her DIY projects.) 

Why did you join Creator’s Studio? 

I found out about Creator's Studio after liking the Rust-Oleum page on Facebook. I was immediately intrigued by the contests and plethora of different artists and creations. 

What’s your favorite part of the Creator’s Studio community? 

"I love how friendly everyone is. I always feel like a million bucks after posting a project."


What’s the best DIY project you have completed and how did you accomplish it? 

Oh wow. This one is hard to answer as I have been a DIY'er for over 30 years. I have one in particular that comes to mind. I was asked by a good friend to save a nightstand for her mother as a gift. The nightstand was very old and sentimental to them. My friend told me that her mom loves colors and just be creative. That's all I needed to hear. I was there when it was gifted to her and she cried, we all cried. I attached the before and after picture.

How would you describe yourself/occupation to a complete stranger? 

I've been a registered nurse for 26 years, currently working in a school with my husband. He is a sheriff deputy and the school resource officer. We have four grown boys and two granddaughters. 

What creative areas do you like to focus on? 

I like to work with furniture. I have been refinishing and painting furniture since I was a young child. I recently have become focused on saving pieces made for the dump or pieces found on the side of the road. I love a good before and after piece. I have been learning to perfect decoupaging on pieces as well.

What is your favorite Rust-Oleum product? How has it helped with your DIY projects? 

I love ALL spray paints. I have tried several types of professional spray guns, brushes, and rollers, etc. I end up using cans of Rust-Oleum spray paints to finish most of my pieces. Rust-Oleum has helped with my DIY by having an endless supply of colors and sheens. I'm a bright colors, flowers, and glitter kind of gal. 

What interests you most about DIY projects? 

I find it very rewarding and very therapeutic. Being a school nurse during the pandemic was a very difficult time. I found that if I escaped into my garage and let myself go on a piece, I felt better. DIY projects simply make me happy. 

What’s the most difficult project you have tackled? 

The big ones. When asked to refurbish giant cabinets and wardrobes, it is just so difficult. I need my husband for every bit of it. He is super strong and super supportive. I couldn't tackle anything like that without him. I have recently been doing smaller items like jewelry armoires and boxes to give our backs a break!


If you could create any type of project (with no limitations), what would you design and why? 

I would create and design a giant shoe and boot closet. I would need the space in my house, which I don't have right now. Lol. I can dream though.  I am a huge shoe fan and collector. I have even spray-painted shoes before to match my outfits. 

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know about you. 

I am a retired town judge and have officiated over 200 weddings. 

What’s the best advice that anyone has ever given you? 

I don't have any particular piece of advice that I recall. What I do remember is having the print, "Children Learn What They Live" by Dorothy Law Nolte. Ph.D. hanging in our living room growing up. I read it often and realize now that was how I was raised. I'm a lucky lady to still have my wonderful parents to this day. They have been happily married for 46 years. 

What book(s) are on your nightstand right now? What shows are you streaming? 

I don't have any books on my nightstand. I do like to read but my attention span doesn't allow me to focus on what I am reading. My mind begins to wander. After just one page, I have no idea what I just read. I choose to paint over reading during my free time. As for shows, I like "Yellowstone" and shows, like "Dateline" and "20/20". We just binge-watched "Beef". That was very interesting, to say the least. 

What’s your all time favorite food? 

My favorite food is fettucine alfredo paired with a little Chardonnay.

Thanks for letting us get to know you, @Nurseratchett54!