Making the Tomorrowland Jetpack

Submitted to Community Chat

Making the Tomorrowland Jetpack - By: Zach Settewongse

One of my favorite films is Tomorrowland. In the film a young 10 year old Frank Walker builds a jetpack from scrap. The film is extremely inspirational with the message that anything can be accomplished if you just keep trying. I therefore decided I too could build a "working" jetpack out of scrap. If a ten year old could do it, I should be able to. Everything in movies is true right? :) I used a ton of different techniques to build this replica prop and I made a zillion mistakes along the way. In the end I was able to throw my jetpack over my shoulders, hit that red button and ignite the engines. Did it fly? Well you're just going to have to watch the build video and see.

Watch the video:

Materials: I go over all the materials I used to make the prop in the video. I spent a lot of time researching parts and even more time locating the two vacuums.

Expert Level Build: This was one of my most challenging builds. I do have several easier builds on my channel and will be adding more.

Remember making things is all about making mistakes. Now go out there and build something!

Zach Settewongse