🚨 Community alert: Trash to Treasure VII launches June 20 🚨

Submitted to What's New

It’s that time of year again, Creators – when we put out the call to community members to take what most would view as trash, and turn it into DIY treasure🌟

The fine print will be available when the challenge launches June 20, but we’re giving community members a head start to ponder and plan potential projects, with a little inspiration from past participants [prose brought to you by the letter P 😁].

We’ve pulled a few submissions from past years to get your creative juices flowing (but the possibilities with this Challenge are endless!)


Vintage Coronado radio cabinet upgrade

Pirate bar trunk

Clawfoot tub makeover

Old playhouse toy to birdhouse

Church organ to kitchen island

Unwanted entertainment center to play kitchen

Curbside trash bookcase to vintage vibes

Tool chest to game storage

File cabinet to flowerpot bench

Waterbowl from skateboard

Lemonade stand

Wooden crutches to shelf

T2T through the years

Thoughts? Ideas? Questions? Join us in the comments as we countdown to Trash to Treasure VII ⏳